The mission of the manor’s bat Mūzis

  • In groups or individually;
  • Exploring the natural values of the Lūznava manor park;
  • You will need a smartphone, an Internet connection, and a QR code scanner app;
  • Duration – 1—2 h;
  • Can be obtained at the Rēzekne Municipality Tourist Information Centre at the Lūznava manor (handouts – 1.50 EUR, which can be used individually or by a group).

In 2016, the nature exploration game called “The Mission of the Manor’s Bat Mūzis” (Muižas sikspārņa Mūža misija) was designed at the Luznava Manor, which anyone interested is invited to solve, individually or in a team. The game allows to learn about the natural and cultural and historical values and tales found in the park of the Luznava Manor.

The game “The Mission of the Manor’s Bat Mūzis” was created in the project “Nature Exploration in the Rezeknes Municipality Luznava Manor Park” (Dabas izziņa Rēzeknes novada Lūznavas muižas parkā) and was designed by the adventure organisation “Lūzumpunkts”. The game provides for two possibilities: the long version where skill tasks – finding objects in nature – are supplemented with extensive educational information about 30 natural objects found in the Luznava park, and the short version of the game, which involves activities around 10 natural objects of Luznava and is intended for team competition. The game has been designed for different ages in order to allow to learn through environment exploration about the natural values found at the territory of the manor park and their importance for environmental protection and conservation.

In the game creation process, the natural values found in the Rezekne municipality Luznava Manor park were evaluated, selecting the most important objects for the game, preparing descriptions of these objects and the map of their location. The game is an addition to the tourist activities available at the Luznava Manor and promotes the interest of the residents of different age groups about the values found in nature. The patron of the game is the brown long-eared bat called Mūzis, who lives in the attic of the manor. This “night bird” is the guardian of inspiration, culture and especially everything natural at Luznava.

“The Mission of the Manor’s Bat Mūzis” is available to anyone interested and the task can be obtained at the Rezekne Municipality Tourist Information Centre located at the Luznava Manor. To play the game, you need to download the app “QR Scanner” or another QR code reader. The staff at the Tourist Information Centre can help download the app.

The game has been created in the project “Nature Exploration in the Rezeknes Municipality Luznava Manor Park” implemented by the Rezekne municipality with the financial support of the Latvian Environmental Protection Fund.