Since the spring of 2016, quadrille balls are organised at the Luznava Manor, during which, through dancing, music and dresses, we try to experience the atmosphere of the time the manor was born, which was the beginning of the 20th century. The idea of the ball was inspired by the quadrille ball organised by folk dance group "Dandari" in Riga. Now quadrille balls have become a permanent part of the annual cultural events at the manor. Quadrille balls bring together not only dancers from various folk groups from Latgale and other places in Latvia and abroad (Lithuania, Estonia, and Norway), but also those who are just interested in the dance from the nearby and more distant places. With time, we had the idea, desire and opportunity to create our own group of quadrille dancers at the Luznava Manor, not only to better understand this dance and the cultural traditions related to it, but also to vary the events and opportunities at the Luznava Manor.
In October 2017, the dance group gathered for the first meeting, continuing the development of the quadrille dancing skill during rehearsals. The dance group brought together dancers from the Rezekne city and the Rezekne municipality, with different dancing experience, and thinking about passing the values of the cultural heritage and involving young people in the continuation of the traditions, the quadrille group also attracted young people — professional musicians and players of traditional musical instruments. During its existence, the dancers have already participated in several events – in the spring concert Dancing is Happiness ("Dejot ir laime") organised by dance group "Dziga", in several quadrille balls, in the Christmas event in Rezekne municipality, in the European Cultural Heritage concerts in Luznava and Berzgale and 2019 in Setesdal folk music festival (Norway). The dancers also offer the quadrille and dance programme as part of private and corporate social events.
Dance group leader and choreograph Inga Žirgule.